Virunga National Park. Gorilla Trekking Safari in Congo

Virunga National Park

Virunga National Park

Virunga National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo. It is the oldest and most biologically diverse national park in Africa and is home to a wide range of plant and animal species, including the endangered mountain gorilla.

The park was established in 1925 as Africa’s first national park and covers an area of over 7,800 square kilometres. It is situated along the Albertine Rift, which is one of the most biodiverse regions in the world. The park is also home to a number of active volcanoes, including Nyiragongo, which is famous for its lava lake.

Despite its natural beauty and importance, the park has faced a number of challenges, including poaching, deforestation, and armed conflict. In recent years, park rangers and staff have worked tirelessly to protect the park and its wildlife, often putting their lives on the line to do so.

In addition to its natural beauty, Virunga National Park is also an important source of income for local communities. The park provides employment opportunities and supports a number of eco-tourism initiatives, which help to promote conservation and sustainable development in the region.

Gorilla Trekking in Virunga National Park


Virunga National Park

Congo Gorilla Trekking

Gorilla trekking is one of the most popular activities in Virunga National Park. The park is home to approximately one-third of the world’s remaining mountain gorillas, making it an important destination for wildlife enthusiasts and conservationists alike.

Visitors to the park can participate in guided gorilla trekking tours, which allow them to observe these majestic creatures in their natural habitat. Trekking groups are typically limited to eight people, and visitors are required to maintain a distance of at least seven meters from the gorillas in order to minimize the risk of disease transmission.

Gorilla trekking tours typically last between one and four hours, depending on the location of the gorilla groups. Visitors should be prepared for a challenging hike through the forest, as the terrain can be steep and difficult to navigate.

In addition to mountain gorillas, Virunga National Park is also home to a number of other primate species, including chimpanzees and golden monkeys. Visitors can participate in guided tours to observe these animals as well.

It is important to note that Virunga National Park is located in a politically unstable region and has experienced periods of armed conflict in the past. Visitors should exercise caution and check the current security situation before planning a trip to the park. It is also important to follow all park rules and regulations in order to minimize the impact of tourism on the park’s fragile ecosystem.

Best Time to Visit Virunga National Park

Virunga National Park

Gorilla Trekking in Congo

The best time to visit Virunga National Park depends on your interests and what you hope to experience during your trip. The park is open to visitors year-round, but there are certain times of the year that may be more favourable depending on your preferences.

The dry season, which runs from mid-May to mid-September, is generally considered the best time to visit Virunga National Park. During this time, the weather is dry and sunny, and the park’s trails are generally easier to navigate. This is also a good time for gorilla trekking, as the gorillas tend to move to lower altitudes in search of food, making them easier to track.

The wet season, which runs from mid-September to mid-May, can be more challenging for visitors, as the park’s trails can become muddy and slippery. However, this is a good time to see the park’s waterfalls and enjoy the lush greenery that the rain brings. It is also a good time to see a variety of bird species and other wildlife, as the vegetation is more abundant and the animals are more active.

It is worth noting that Virunga National Park is located in a region that experiences political instability and occasional outbreaks of violence. Visitors should stay up-to-date on the current security situation and check with local authorities and tour operators before planning a trip to the park.

How to Get to Virunga National Park?

Gorillas in Virunga National Park in Congi

Gorilla Trekking in Congo

Getting to Virunga National Park can be a bit challenging due to its remote location in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The easiest way to get to the park is by flying to Kigali International Airport in Rwanda and then travelling by car to the park.

From Kigali, there are several tour operators and transportation companies that offer private transfers to the park. The journey takes approximately four to six hours and involves crossing the border into the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Alternatively, visitors can fly into Goma International Airport, which is located just outside the park. From there, visitors can take a taxi or arrange for a private transfer to the park.

It is important to note that travel to Virunga National Park can be affected by the security situation in the region. Visitors should stay up-to-date on the current situation and check with local authorities and tour operators before making travel arrangements. It is also important to travel with a reputable tour operator who can provide guidance and support throughout the trip.

Proposed Gorilla Trekking Safaris to East Africa. Travel with Gorilla Experts